eXciteOSA® is the world’s first daytime therapy that targets the root cause of mild obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and snoring, rather than simply relieving the symptoms.
eXciteOSA® works by using an electrical current to stimulate and improve muscle function of the tongue. Improvement of muscle function prevents the upper airway tissue from collapsing, keeping the upper airways open during sleep. This prevents snoring and also increases the intake of oxygen, and improves the quality of sleep.1-3
How eXciteOSA® works:
The eXciteOSA® mouthpiece gets positioned onto your tongue.
The app activates and customizes each therapy session.
The app tracks your progress and keeps you focused on therapy goals.
1. E.Wessoleck et al. Intraoral electrical muscle stimulation in the treatment of snoring. Somnologie (Berl). 2018; 22(Suppl 2): 47–52.
2. A.Sama et al. Daytime Intraoral Neurostimulation with Snoozeal for treatment of Snoring and Mild Sleep Apnea. CHEST Annual Meeting Notes, 2018.
3. eXciteOSA White Paper (2020). Clinical study of 115 patients with snoring or mild OSA (Apnea- Hypopnea Index (AHI) <15 n=65) completed the trial. Objective snoring and respiratory parameters were recorded with 2 consecutive WatchPAT night sleep studies before and aft er the use of the device. An intra- oral tongue stimulator device was used for 20 mins, once a day for 6-week period. (Internal publication by SMT for educational purposes and submission.)